eLead Pedagogic Handbook
The draft of the #elead Pedagogic Handbook is now online. This document is dedicated to VET professionals and will include resources (including training modules, methodologies, and tools) to support implementing a training course for high-tech leaders. Click here to download it: https://www.eleadproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/IO2-eLead-Pedagogic-Manual_Draft_v3-layout-last.pdf

eLead LTTA
On 14-18 June 2021, the Technische Universiteit Delft has virtually hosted the e-Lead’s LTTA. The activities carried out have indeed pushed forward the implementation of the key objectives of the project. The latter is in fact genuinely meant to boost e-leadership within the EU, with a view to bringing together both innovative and more classic business management and leadership skills

Masters of Digital
On the 3rd and 4th of February will take place the 2021 edition of Masters of Digital, the annual flaghsip event organised by Digital Europe, which will focus on how digital will drive the European recovery through keynotes, interviews, showcases and awards. Check out the confirmed speakers and the agenda at: https://mastersofdigital.org/

Competence Map - First draft
The first draft of eLead Competence Map is now available: https://bit.ly/3nwQ8g8
The document aims at providing a recognition of common competences and
professional standards for high-tech leaders, based on European standards (ECVET and EQF).

eLead first newsletter
Do you want to know more about the eLead project?
It is now available the first newsletter with the project information in a nuthshell and the activities carried out so far.
Click here to download it: https://bit.ly/37NmKxD

Which skills an e-leader must have?
Do you work in the high-tech or digital sector? We have created an online questionnaire in order to compare and highlight the competences and skills usually associated with e-leadership in partner countries (Italy, Belgium, Greece, Netherlands and Spain). This will lead to the first intellectual output of the eLead project: a competence map describing the high-tech leader professional profile in terms of units of learning outcomes applying European standards (ECVET and EQF). Give us your feedback by filling the questionnaire at the following link: http://bit.ly/2W4ckE

eLead project has officially started!
The kick off meeting was successfully held on 26th-27th November 2019 in Pesaro (Italy). During the meeting all issues related to the commencement, management, finance and technicalities of the eLead project were presented and discussed. The partners have discussed the project proposal in detail, analising the project results, the possible target groups, dissemination and administrative tasks and financial issues.
eleadproject 2019